Vivo today launched its Vivo V7 in India at an event held in New Delhi. Vivo V7 is company latest offering to there range of selfie-focused smartphone and a smaller version of the Vivo V7+ which was launched a few months back. The specification of the smartphone remains the same, but the size of the battery has gone down. The onboard storage and display on the smartphone come with a smaller size. The main highlight of the smartphone is it’s 18:9 display and a 24MP front camera. The handset will be made available exclusively on Flipkart.
Vivo V7 Specification
Vivo V7 is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 450 Octa-core processor with 4GB RAM and 32GB of internal storage.There is an option to expand the storage via microSD card up to 128GB. The smartphone comes with a 5.7-inch HD+ IPS display with an 18:9 aspect ratio and a pixel resolution of 720*1440 pixel. The processor on both the smartphone remains the same. The camera on the device is a 16MP rear camera with LED flash with f/2.0 aperture. The main highlight of the smartphone is the 24MP front camera with a soft selfie light which company calls it “Moonlight Glow”. Connectivity options on the Vivo V7 include Bluetooth v4.2, GPS/ A-GPS, Micro-USB, and FM radio, 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi. Sensors on the smartphone include an accelerometer, ambient light sensor, digital compass, proximity sensor, and virtual gyroscope. The smartphone packs a 3000mAh battery which is expected to last for a day of moderate usage.
Vivo V7 price in India, launch offers
Pre-booking offers are live on Flipkart, some of the offers include no-cost EMIs, Exchange offers, One-time free screen replacement, Free movie vouchers from Bookmyshow and an extra 5% discount to customers using Axis Bank Buzz credit cards and also a faster delivery.
The Vivo V7 price in India is Rs. 18,990, The smartphone has been launched in its Champagne Gold and Matte Black colour variants.
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