Amazon recently launched its latest Alexa range of products in India. Amazon’s Echo is a line of product which is a voice-controlled speaker that can perform multiple tasks and do many things. Like Google Assistance Alexa can be simply invoked by saying ‘Alexa’ from long. The Amazon Alexa is one of the most popular and accurate voice assistants which will now come with Saavn support. One of the major online audio and entertainment streaming platform Saavn has now teamed up with Amazon for its voice service. This makes Saavn one of the first music streaming service for Amazon Alexa in India. This service will now be made available to Echo range of devices from Amazon. The Alexa-enable products will now come preloaded with Saavn and will be shipped countrywide in coming weeks. The range of Amazon Alexa Echo device starts at INR 3,149.
This has made Saavn’s entry into voice OS space which is the next big thing. IoT has growing demands many products come with this integration across the globe. Amazon Echo users will now be able to ask Alexa to play songs which they want. The users can also ask for a song with the name of the singers, title or genre. You can also ask to play the music album from a movie. It has the capability of searching and streaming the songs. Saavn’s top playlists, Top songs, and all the other category can also be streamed by users through Alexa using the voice command.
Saavn has been already integrated with many manufacturers and OEM’s to include there stream music app built-in. Different offers are also been offered by smartphone company to users on premium subscriptions.
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