The Apple Watch Series 4 has been officially launched a few mins ago. The new smartwatch comes with the most exciting upgrade in the history of wearable device with breakthrough technology. The Apple Watch Series 4 is more functional, stylish and comfortable to wear. The smartwatch comes with many physical and internal changes.
The biggest selling point of the Apple Watch Series 4 is the bigger screen size and now the series 4 comes in two sizes, you can now choose between 40mm and 44 mm Apple Watch. The display on the Series 4 comes with OLED technology. The company claims to have screened over 30% larger than its predecessor. The Watch Series 4 comes with many customizable faces which can be selected according to mood and activity.
On the right of the Apple Watch Series 4, there is a digital crown which looks similar to the previous model. But now each turn is now complemented by haptic feedback. So it is more like a natural touch while using it. The Apple watch series 4 come with a new and bigger speaker on the side and microphone is placed on the opposite side which gets down the interference between the two to send out a clear sound.
The Apple Watch Series 4 is powered by the S4 processor which is been designed by Apple. It is a 64-bit dual core processor which is 2x faster than the older model. The Apple Watch Series 4 comes with a real-time Electrocardiogram. Besides seeing the real-time data on the watch screen, more detailed data will be displayed on your iPhone’s screen. Beside the electrical heart rate sensor placed on the back of the Apple watch, it will not only monitor your heart rate but also make suggestions based on the heart signals.
What we loved more is the highlights and capacities that depend on the accelerometer and spinner. Apple group has explored three sorts of movements of falling, stumbling, and slipping. The watch can recognize any of these movements and once you hit the ground, it will influence an SOS to call quickly. On the off chance that all is well with you, drop it inside 5 seconds.
There are two renditions of the Apple Watch Series 4. The one that can associate with the carrier networks independently is priced at $499. Another model that accompanies GPS costs $399. In the meantime, the Apple Watch Series 3 has been marked down to $279. Be that as it may, altogether, there are three shading alternatives of cleaned dark, space dim, and gold. The watch has replicable lashes. So one you procure and utilize different ties, you can pick any from various appearances to coordinate the look. They will go on sale on September 21.
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